Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1

Wet Beri Beri can occur after ............ months of a thiamine-deficient diet.

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• Presents primarily with cardiovascular symptoms that are due to impaired myocardial energy metabolism and dysautonomia
• It can occur after 3 months of a thiamine-deficient diet.

Ophthalmoplegia in Wernicke’s encephalopathy most commonly affects –

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ophthalmoplegia - most commonly affecting the lateral rectus muscle.

Classic triad of symptoms found in Wernicke encephalopathy includes all EXCEPT:

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Classic triad of symptoms found in Wernicke encephalopathy is:
- Ophthalmoplegia
- Ataxia
- Confusion
Wernicke’s encephalopathy- consists of horizontal nystagmus, ophthalmoplegia ,cerebellar ataxia, and mental impairment .
When there is an additional loss of memory and a confabulatory psychosis, the syndrome is known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

How much stimulation in Red blood cell Transketolase activity in response to the addition of thiamine pyrophosphate suggests thiamine deficiency.

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Laboratory diagnosis - RBC transketolase activity measured before and after the addition of thiamine pyrophosphate.
>25% stimulation in response to the addition of thiamine pyrophosphate (i.e., an activity coefficient of 1.25) is interpreted as abnormal.

In acute thiamine deficiency with either cardiovascular or neurologic signs, when adequately treated cardiovascular and ophthalmoplegic improvement occurs within :

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In acute thiamine deficiency with either cardiovascular or neurologic signs, when adequately treated Cardiovascular and ophthalmoplegic improvement occurs within 24 h.

Which of the following is the preferred specimen for detection of Thiamine Deficiency ?

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Whole blood is the preferred specimen compared to plasma or serum, as 90% of vitamin B1 in whole blood is thiamine diphosphate and 80% of thiamine in whole blood is found in red blood cells.

Which form of thiamine is used for food fortification?

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Salt thiamine mononitrate is used for food fortification.

Thiamine absorption by active transport is maximum at -

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Thiamine is released by the action of phosphatase and pyrophosphatase in the upper small intestine.
At low concentrations, the process is carrier-mediated. At higher concentrations, absorption also occurs via passive diffusion.
Active transport is greatest in the jejunum and ileum.

Decline in thiamine absorption occurs at intakes above:

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Rapid decline in absorption of thiamin at intakes above 5 mg

Which of the following is called cocarboxylase?

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Thiamine pyrophosphate - Also called : thiamine diphosphate or cocarboxylase is a thiamine (vitamin B1) derivative which is produced by the enzyme thiamine diphosphokinase.

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