Medicine Quiz

Cape-like bilateral loss of pain and temperature sensation along the upper chest and arms seen in -

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Syringomyelia - cape-like bilateral loss of pain and temperature sensation along the upper chest and arms

Which joint is commonly involved as Charcot joint in patients with syringomyelia?

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Neuropathic arthropathy[Charcot joint ] can occur, particularly in the shoulders, in patients with syringomyelia

Classically, syringomyelia spares -

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Classically syringomyelia spares the dorsal column

During a complete occlusion of the ventral artery of the spinal cord which is spared -

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During a complete occlusion of the ventral artery of the spinal cord, Posterolateral tract is the only tract spared along with the dorsal columns.

What is Tract of Lissauer?

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Posterolateral tract is a small strand situated in relation to the tip of the posterior column close to the entrance of the posterior nerve roots.

Albuminocytologic dissociation seen in -

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Albuminocytological Dissociation - Characteristic findings in Guillain–Barré syndrome are an elevated protein level, usually greater than 0.55 g/L, and fewer than 10 white blood cells per cubic millimeter of fluid.
This pattern distinguishes Guillain–Barré syndrome from other conditions.
Lymphoma and poliomyelitis - in which both the protein and the cell count are elevated.

Albuminocytologic dissociation is -

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Albuminocytological Dissociation - Characteristic findings in Guillain–Barré syndrome are an elevated protein level, usually greater than 0.55 g/L, and fewer than 10 white blood cells per cubic millimeter of fluid.

This pattern distinguishes Guillain–Barré syndrome from other conditions.
Lymphoma and poliomyelitis - in which both the protein and the cell count are elevated.

What is level of sodium in the blood in Guillain–Barré syndrome the-

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An abnormally low level of sodium in the blood is often encountered in Guillain–Barré syndrome. This has been attributed to the inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone, leading to relative retention of water.

Which variant of GBS can have isolated eye-movement abnormality-

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Isolated eye-movement or coordination problems seen in subtype of Miller Fisher syndrome

Chinese paralytic syndrome is also called as -

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Acute motor axonal neuropathy - Isolated muscle weakness without sensory symptoms is called Chinese paralytic syndrome.

Most common form of Corneal ectasia is

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Corneal ectatic disorders or corneal ectasia are a group of uncommon, noninflammatory, eye disorders characterised by bilateral thinning of the central, paracentral, or peripheral cornea.

- Most Common Form of Corneal Ectacia -progressive, noninflammatory, bilateral, asymmetric disease, characterized by paraxial stromal thinning and weakening that leads to corneal surface distortion.
- noninflammatory corneal thinning disorder, characterised by generalised thinning and globular protrusion of the cornea.
Pellucid marginal degeneration
- bilateral, noninflammatory disorder, characterized by a peripheral band of thinning of the inferior cornea.
Post-LASIK ectasia
-complication of LASIK eye surgery.
Terrien's marginal degeneration
- painless, noninflammatory, unilateral or asymmetrically bilateral, slowly progressive thinning of the peripheral corneal stroma.

Zuckerkandl's tubercle is present in

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Zuckerkandl's tubercle - A small horn at the back of the thyroid lobes, usually close to the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the inferior thyroid artery, is called Zuckerkandl's tubercle.

The structure is important in thyroid surgery as it is closely related to the recurrent laryngeal nerve, the inferior thyroid artery, Berry's ligament and the parathyroid glands.

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