Electrocardiography -I

Electrocardiography -I

Wilson's central terminal is measured by –

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virtual electrode- Wilson's central terminal – average of the measurements from the electrodes RA, LA, and LL that gives an average potential of the body

Factors that increase the QT Interval are all EXCEPT-

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Factors that increase QRS duration- amiodarone, hypocalcemia - increase the QT Interval
factors shorten the QT Interval - hypercalcemia, digoxin

Lead I is determined as the voltage between –

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Lead I is the voltage between - LA- RA
Lead II is the voltage between the (positive) left leg (LL) electrode and the right arm (RA) electrode
Lead III is the voltage between the (positive) left leg (LL) electrode and the left arm (LA) electrode

Inferior leads that Look at electrical activity from the vantage point of the inferior surface (diaphragmatic surface of heart) –

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J wave — also known as –

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J waves are positive deflections occurring at the junction between the QRS complex and the ST segment

J wave — also known as Osborn wave, camel-hump sign, late delta wave, hathook junction, hypothermic wave


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usually observed in people suffering from hypothermia with a temperature of less than 32°C (90°F)
Also occur in people with hypercalcemia

Normal P wave is biphasic in which lead -

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Normal P wave in lead V1 - biphasic

In acute cor pulmonale due to pulmonary embolism most common arrhythmia is-

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Sinus tachycardia is the most common arrhythmia
other tachyarrhythmias- atrial fibrillation or flutter.

S1Q3T3 pattern on the ECG in the setting of acute pulmonary embolism is called –

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Wellens syndrome or sign) is an ECG manifestation of proximal left anterior descending stenosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome. It is characterized by symmetrical, often deep (>2 mm), T wave inversions in the anterior precordial leads

The De Winter ECG is sometimes seen in myocardial infarction with proximal LAD occlusion. It is rather rare (2% of cases). There is no anterior ST segment elevation. Instead the ST segment shows a 1- to 3-mm upsloping ST-segment depression at the J point in leads V1 to V6 that continues into tall, positive symmetrical T waves.

In complete bundle branch blocks, the widest QRS interval is ≥ ………………. ms in duration.

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complete bundle branch blocks, the widest QRS interval is ≥120 ms in duration

Incomplete blocks - QRS interval is between about 110 and 120 ms.

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